• Neo-African Atheists-Materialists (2021) Copyright October 23, 2021 by Cupideros These Neo-African Atheists, Materialists, or as some say “Lost Value People” are just fearful people who cannot even say “man,” “woman,” “girl,” “boy” or “heterosexual.” The fore-parent of these Neo-African Materialists-Atheists sold them to Jewish and European slave traders! Yes. In other words, the Materialists-Atheists, top…

  • (c) October 18, 2021, by Cupideros

  • THE DEAL AND THE ARRANGEMENT  –The Deal and the Arrangement— is it love – text to voice – Man Greens – ebook software – mend your marriage – The Venus Factor Diet

  • Word Equality November 9, 2021 (Check the online dictionaries to see if this is reality or being hidden from view.) misogyny​a feeling of hate or dislike towards women, or a feeling rejecting the fact women, based on biology and facts, posses inferior physical qualities than men. Example: Most women are shorter and weaker than men.…

  • Direct Link to Eternal I’s 32 and 1 Blessing Affirmation Cards

How to be a Good Wife 5 by Cupideros