Abyssarianism HomeWork 13!

Abyssarianism Homework

Take your time. Think of this as a Friday project over time. Skip around and do whatever you like in the order you want!
© by Cupideros, Friday, October 28, 2022

Abyssarianism Handshake

Hi, Abyssarians, for October 28, 2022


© October 28, 2022, by Cupideros

If you’re an Abyssarian Truster, you know:





First Motto in Abyssarianism

Very important to get this, Abyssarians. Understand the big picture, and you’ll better understand the little ones!


The Truth Depends on The Truth!
The Lie Depends on The Truth!
The Lie Depends on The Lie!

What is the purpose of Life?
Abyssarians, you know what your purpose in life is; you know in the end, Eternal I wants you to be just like them — that is the final goal! But you, Abyssarians, are aware you must let and follow Eternal I’s instructions for getting there. You must go through the First Pillar Door!

And if anyone wants to know what you believe and why just direct them to Abyssarianism.com or the Abyssarianism OverView Kindle Ebook!

Abyssarians, you know what your purpose in life is; you know in the end, Eternal I wants you to be just like them — that is the final goal! But you, Abyssarians, are aware you must let and follow Eternal I’s instructions for getting there. You must go through the First Pillar Door!

Click the link and scroll down until you see the button
A Homeschool Teacher Fueled by Creativity

Hello Abyssarian Heroes and Heroines!

Let’s get to Homework 13.

The Theme Today is People School and Timeline School!

Yes, People School and Timeline School can work together! Do not be surprised.

Last Friday, October 21, 2022, Homework 12, we discussed The Five Levels of Abyssarianism. If you notice, the five levels are interlinked. That is not only normal but also natural. However, your ability to see the Five Levels separately benefits you greatly — because then you can relink them to best solve the problem.

The Five Levels of Abyssarianism
  1. Click Download.
  2. Open with “Photos” free program installed in Windows 10.
  3. Look at the top of “Photos” and use the slanted arrows <–> to expand.
  4. Roll your mouse to expand the picture wider.
  5. Use the white hand symbol to move the picture around to any section.


If the Talk Show Format is not brand-new, then the Waffle Town Format is old (revamped to smaller screens, but old)! Tribal experts sitting around a campfire to discuss the influx of lions into tribal space was one of the first Talk Shows!

Now, watching many talk shows as a child taught me one thing. Every talk show has a Timeline School and a People School.



1. Talk Shows started with honest intentions — solve a problem and make the world a better place.

2. Talk Show has an excellent moderator—the Phil Donahue Show, for example. Phil was very astute, controlled his emotions, used reason, facts, and figures, and possessed a competent History School background as a journalist (when journalists were capable journalists). In addition, he had a way of asking the right questions, even if they were uncomfortable. [This would later get him into trouble!]

3. The guests brought on the show vetted by Phil behave according to a code similar to Phil. They controlled their emotions, brought out facts and figures, and provided examples of their particular view.

4. The audience was sincere. The audience was unpaid, and the audience did not pay for The Phil Donahue Show. Tickets were given away for free.

5. The discussion lasted only about an hour or so because people got tired and started straying away from the good-decorum code set by Phil.


1. Talk Show started with honest intentions — solve a problem and make the world a better place.

2. Talk Show has an excellent moderator—the Phil Donahue Show, for example. Phil was very astute, controlled his emotions, used reason, facts, and figures, and possessed a competent History School background as a journalist (when journalists were capable journalists). In addition, he had a way of asking the right questions, even if they were uncomfortable. [This would later get him into trouble!]

3. The guests brought on the show vetted by Phil did a bait and switch and started to behave according to a strange code dissimilar to Phil. These guests let their emotions get in the way of the facts and the figures (still accurate) and provided examples (strangely inaccurate, just a tad off to the left or right of the topic) according to their particular view.

4. The audience was sincere. But became confused because of the guests’ strange behavior.

5. The discussion lasted only about an hour or so because people began to veer away from the good-decorum code set by Phil.


1. Talk Show started with honest intentions — solve a problem and make the world a better place.

2. Talk Show has an excellent moderator—the Phil Donahue Show, for example. Phil was very astute, controlled his emotions, used reason, facts, and figures, and possessed a competent History School background as a journalist (when journalists were capable journalists). In addition, he had a way of asking the right questions, even if they were uncomfortable. [This would later get him into trouble!] He notices guests do not like honest or difficult questions.

3. The guests who appeared on the show refused to follow Phil’s code. The guests were flagrantly dishonest or biased toward their particular point. These blinders stopped these guests from admitting their opponents had any valid facts, figures, or points. Only hard-line arguments resulted. This lowered the quality of the Talk Show!

4. The audience was wishy-washy. Partisan guests appeared either on the left or the right. Opposing camps are unwilling to listen to the other side’s point of view.

5. The discussion lasted only about an hour because people became more angry and started pointing fingers and gesturing at the other audience group’s obvious stupidity. Phil seems to be losing control, but the ratings are trending upward!


1. Talk Show starts with honest intentions — hoping faintly to solve a problem and make the world a better place!

2. Talk Show has an excellent moderator—the Phil Donahue Show, for example. Phil was very astute, controlled his emotions, used reason, facts, and figures, and possessed a competent History School background as a journalist (when journalists were capable journalists). In addition, he had a way of asking the right questions, even if they were uncomfortable. [This would later get him into trouble!] He notices guests do not like honest or difficult questions. Some of the guests argued with Phil instead of the opponent in the debate. Advertisers are talked about for some reason.

3. The guests who appeared on the show not only wore blinders but dropped all decorum of being debating guests. They seemed to think this was an entertainment fest-fight. Guests tried to one-up their opponents and lobbed cheap shots not even related to the topic at hand. But then, these guests start appealing to their obvious devoted followers!

4. The audience is completely for or against the guests on stage. Audience-Secret-Planted fan supporters hopped up and back their guests of choice. The guests choose their specific audience members to back up their points with their questions. The random guests are baffled and confused because they obviously landed on the wrong side of the football stand. That is not what the producers told them the talk show tickets implied would happen. A sprinkling of Neo-African Americans begins to appear on all the Phil Donohue Shows!

5. The discussion lasted only about an hour because people came on the show angry and committed to their side like fans at a football match. Phil knows he’s lost control, but the ratings are strangely trending, higher and higher upward!


1. Talk Show started with honest intentions — not hoping to solve a problem, but at least discuss it without everyone fighting one another.

2. Talk Show has an excellent moderator—the Phil Donahue Show, for example. Phil was very astute, controlled his emotions, used reason, facts, and figures, and possessed a competent History School background as a journalist (when journalists were capable journalists). In addition, he had a way of asking the right questions, even if they were uncomfortable. [This would later get him into trouble!] Advertisers want Phil to ask softer, more comfortable questions. “BEEF UP THE ENTERTAINMENT FACTOR CALL GOES OUT TO PHIL!” So now Phil is forced to trudge along with the flow of the nonsense, partisan audience members, and freakish unpredictable nature of the show. Whenever you see a Talk Show or any show yelling, “Beef up the Entertainment Value, Make it More Entertaining,” that is the end of that Talk Show format. Everything will be seen as a joke, skits arise, fake problems, and the seriousness of the issue becomes a big joke! “RedPill is just entertainment!”

3. The guests could not care less about the topic. These guests are paid. They will get their money and give the advertisers a good show. These guests want to be brought back on The Phil Donahue show to make more money. Guests do not talk in a civilized way with one another. Accusations of wrong-think, stop-thinking, racism, sexism, whatever fly back and forth. The topic is a piece of paper on the Talk Show floor everyone is walking on. Even Phil’s softball answers are too radical!

4. The audience act like a vaudeville audience. They are rowdy and raunchy. Neo-African Americans flood the audience at this point, even if the topic is not about Farm Food on the Hawaiian Islands! Audience-Secret Planted supporters continue laughing through their teeth, knowing they are lying, asking fear-bating, hate-bating questions. The audience is trying to make a joke of it all and discredit the guests on the panel on stage. Everyone is emotional. Revenge Pathos reigns! The loudest-angry audience member is viewed as the most truthful speaker. To be angry is to be truthful. “I did not steal that cookie, mom! You’re crazy. I don’t care if the video camera shows it. I will not go to my room. IT IS NOT RIGHT. I’M RIGHT. I’M ANGRY, SO I MUST NOT HAVE STOLEN THAT COOKIE!”

5. The discussions lasted less than an hour because, ironically, more dysfunction gives advertisers more time to cut away from The Phil Donohue show and show advertising products! Stupidity and Seeing-Green Materialism won. Soon, everyone watches the show for the chaos. Women dominate the audience. All is ruined. The Phil Donohue Show is taken off the air.


This People School – TimeLine School process happens with all shows, but with particular talk shows.

More talk shows follow after Phil’s Show, but they are foggy mist versions of the clarity of the Phil Donohue show. The upcoming talk shows begin at PHASE THREE EVOLUTION!

Newer Talk Shows launch their ship at PHASE FOUR EVOLUTION!

Finally, you get The Jerry Springer Show which starts off at PHASE FIVE EVOLUTION!



Tom Leykis 8 years ago
Stupid Games Women Play to Tease you

The Answer:

Tom Leykis (white guy) was the first one to speak on these issues back in 1987 on Radio. In 2003, he moved to Waffle Town. Of course, once that Woman took over she kicked him off Waffle Town. He was the most valuable. He gave the truth, raw and hard. Maybe Tom Leykis lacked the style class of Phil Donohue, but Tom kept to the hard questions like Phil Donohue! Maybe she allowed Tom Leykis back now that there are enough counter-confusing women RedPillers trying to tell men what to do and think.

Funny how none of these Redpill Women want to get rid of the private unbalanced Child Support courts, Pay-Me Single Mom Courts, Pay-Me divorce courts, or Job-Outcome Equality Quotas!

Clarifying the Timeline. MGTOW, REDPILL COMMUNITY 1.0 BLEW UP, WENT MAINSTREAM, WAS SHUT DOWN IN THE “YOUTUBE APOCALYPSE,” AND THEN DEMONIZED AS A HATE GROUP LONG BEFORE BI OR GAY BLACKMAN Kevin Samuels even came on the scene! MGTOW, REDPILL COMMUNITY 1.0 just smiles and grins at the Kevin Samuels talking points already talked about decades ago. Yes, Kevin Samuels put things in a black vernacular, but everything else essential was already said long ago.

This is why Abyssarianism Heroes and Heroines must understand the big picture! Be careful listening to Women. Women, in general, are short-sighted.

In many cases, something goes mainstream first in the general community; later on, the Neo-African American Community picks up the trend! For example, Feminism in the mainstream. Later on, Black Feminism!

After the MGTOW, REDPILL COMMUNITY 1.0 was scattered. All was okay until a Gay Blackman showed up, trying to re-espouse the Truth about Feminism again! This Two-Quota Redpiller, espousing “Horseracing-Dating Strategies,” gave that Waffle Town Woman a curious problem. So, this became Redpill Community 2.0. driven by the Black Manosphere. Then, Kevin Samuel died. Black Manosphere has been demonized, weakened, and now taken over by white women! If the Black Manosphere was any threat, they’d by now be declared a Hate Group!

Deep roots understanding and solutions are the only way to change society. That is what religion is and does best. Yes, religion is needed, and Abyssarianism teaches people how to live organically, practice organically, and organically pragmatically apply solutions — not just talk about solutions. Abyssarianism never started out, nor has it ever just been for the Neo-African American Community — Abyssarianism is and will be forever a male-led, heterosexual-oriented religion for the entire world!

A note of importance for the Neo-African American Community: Gay Black men and women or Bi Black men and women are always sent to take over, take charge of any Neo-African American Movements! They sent a Gay Black Man to join Martin L King’s movement, and the whole movement immediately went downhill! Look around you now, Neo-African American Community. Do you see any BI OR Gay Black Men around taking over your communities? Do you see any Lesbian or Bi Black Women around taking over your communities?

Why do they send a Gay or Bi person (Alphabet Mob Person)? Because people at first feel these Alphabet Mob people are harmless. They love everybody, right? They love men and women, right?

No! No, these Alphabet Mob People do not love everyone. Alphabet Mob people only love everyone sexually. Gay men love men. Women who do not know the Gay man is Gay love him too. Kevin Samuels should come to mind!! Alphabet Mob People feel they can join links with everyone. Then these same Alphabet Mob People destroy and mislead those communities. This happens time after time in each community after community, down through history. Communism uses these Alphab Mob People as fodder; they call them “Useful idiots.” When communists come to real power, they get rid of all these Alphabet People.

People who cannot see the Timeline longer than they’ve been alive or alert cannot possibly understand some of these sick ResistOppeline Strategies. If you want real wisdom, seek those who have been alert and around for a long time.

Women got the right to vote before most men; men went off to die in wars!


Want to know why men do not want to get married?
It’s because of Toxic Femininity, like in this video!
The Answer: This is nothing but modern-day male slavery! This is one of the most truthful videos in existence!




Bizzare Practices of Mauhmmed.
All those accepted in Allah’s Heaven will be turned into white people!
All those unacceptable to Allah’s Heaven will be turned into black people!
The fact that Muhammed could not read explains how such strange things came to be
in the Quran.

The Answer:

With the exception of the Alphabet Mob Lesbians, Gays, Bi, Polyandry, and Feminists because they would not follow the Abyssarianism Code, all people in their natural race, skin tones, and nationalities are welcome in Abyssarianim Heaven. It is your MERIT doing the Abyssarianism Code The Truth Depends on The Truth that matters! If you don’t follow the Abyssrarianism Code and think you are above it because you are some kind of a special-religious-royalty spoiled brat, you cannot get into the Abyssarianism Heaven.



CHRISTIANITY . . .continued

1. I am an angry Christian! I don’t care if we colonized the entire world and forced all of China on old Crack! Those Native Americans should not have been fighting amongst themselves as we EU People did! We Christians were right in everything we did! Die, Unbelievers. Die because I am Angry!

ISLAM . . . continued:

1. I don’t care if Muhammed never existed or slept with a nine-year-old; or officially locked Arabs into marrying five-year-old married wives and having sex with them forever! I am angry KAFIR because you do not submit to worship our crystals, eight or more of them tiny black stones. And yeah, no Neo-African American, No Africans, No Japanese. No Chinese, No Philippines or Thailand people will get into Islam Heaven. I am angry! I must be right because I am angry! KAFIR Worship the Crystals! If I stop worshipping the Crystals, I am no longer a Muslim. I cannot change Islam, so Kafir, become an Arab Wiccan!

4. Slavery. African slavery, to be specific. Since 1500, Islam has been taking African Slaves and establishing and selling African Slaves. Why “since 1500”? Because Islam continues to take African slaves to this day!

JUDAISM . . . continued:

1. Yes, I am Angry because our God abandoned us, and thus we Jews will destroy all the Goyim. We Jews will not allow The Goyin to ever beat us again. Live The Protocols of Zion — COMMUNISM — the scourage of the brain and rational thought. We Jews are angry and have a right to be angry at all Goyim forever! Die Holocaust Deniers! We will destroy the Goyim through movies, music, prostitution, or any means necessary — Die Goyim!

2. The Jews were heavily involved in African slavery, providing ships, money, and trade for human beings. That’s right. Jews are perfect and were not involved in the African Slave Trade?

3. The Jewish revenge pathos. The Jews also say their God will come back and destroy all the evil doers, of which none are Jewish! Jews are virtuous. Just ask the Christians.

4. Want to see Jewish’s revenge pathos in action? Try to talk about anything The Jews are doing to destroy society through music, Hollywood, and Newsmedia and watch The Jews accuse you of being a Holocaust denier. That the Jews have a right to defend themselves against Holocaust deniers. How dare you bring up anything about The Jews when six million of them died in World War II? In short, because of the Holocaust, The Jews have a right to destroy any society, especially a larger society than The Jews: Russia, EU, Neo-African Americans, or the Middle East.

Abyssarians, you can use My Thoughts — Your Thoughts to write down the questions and supply your answers.

For the Young People. (Older people may find this fun, too!)


The idea is to change one letter of the FIRST WORD (WHY) in each step and climb down until you form the END WORD (WED)!

Alternatively, you could climb up from the bottom LAST WORD (WED) and change one letter in each step until you form the FIRST WORD (WHY)!


Second WordWAY_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _
Third WordWAD_ _ _ _JUG_ _ _ _ __ _ _
Fourth WordWEDHATNET_ _ _
Fifth Word_ _ _
Sixth WordGAME
Seventh Word
Eight Word
Ninth Word
Tenth Word
Eleventh Word
Twelfth Word
Thirteenth Word
Fourteenth Word
Word Climb Friday 10.28.2022

GiGi Questions!


For the Younger Abyssarianism Heroes and Heroines. (Older Abyssarians may find this fun, too!)

Below you see two separate picture puzzle mysteries. The problem is things are not quite right, and that’s where you come in. Abyssarian, Heroes, and Heroines reorganize the four pictures back to their correct order. Use the grid below each set of pictures to solve the problem. This sheet can be printed out, cut out the four pieces, and arranged correctly on each set of four squares.


GiGi Questions!


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This Abyssarians, The Abyssarianism Two Notebook Journal System is used to increase Critical Thinking while reading books, attending lectures, watching podcasts, debates, and WaffleTown Videos. In addition, when having conversations, viewing web pages, deprogramming yourself from cults, or participating in any other format where information is shared.

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