Friday, Email Message for October 9, 2020

Abyssarianism Homework

Abyssarianism Friday Email Message October 9, 2020


Hi, Abyssarians for October 9, 2020



Wealth Formula 3?. 1

Why No Friday Email Messages?. 2

Heaven God Plane Rulers. 4

Values Day! 5

A Pragmatic Truth of the Origin of Evil. 7

Daily Do One of These Meditations: 11

Tithe. 12

Outside Reading 2. 12

Wealth Formula 3? 

Income + Investments – Lifestyle = WEALTH.

Income plus Investments minus Lifestyle equals WEALTH.

Keep working on this formula, understanding it, and applying it in your life.  Because now it is very hard for anyone to do anything without keeping income, money, and cash on their mind or in their hands.  Bitcoins are just another form of income, money, cash. 

Pray to the Great God of Abyssarianism that you can apply, remember, continuously take action on this formula for wealth.

Why No Friday Email Messages?

Many reasons exist for this behavior.

  1. Sometimes, Enriching I want to see what you will do if He does not talk to you.  Some people are so arrogant, so fearful, so clingy that they will quit at the first signs of trouble.  Do not be like those people.  People like this get married and then want a divorce after three years or the first child or two.  They do not have a staying power of trust in the value of Abyssarianism.
  2. Enriching I is not a helicopter parent.  (Laughs) Well, yes, He is, but Enriching I must appear not to be a helicopter parent; so, people can develop their own individualistic free choices by their own calling.  The purpose of life is not like the Oligarch-Communists want it to be, growing puppets, slaves, workers.  Enriching I, The Great God of Abyssarianism, can do all the work on Earth Himself and be just fine.
  3. Enriching I want to see where you stand.  Perhaps you are like the Jews, who once they heard they were God’s Chosen People, they immediately said to themselves, “We have our God by his balls now!  He must protect us whether we do good evil, evil good or evil worst, or become professional evildoers!  Our God must support us no matter what!  We have life on easy street?  People all over the world will listen to us because ‘We are God’s Chosen People.’  We can create the stupidest ideas, and people will think highly of them because God’s Chosen People can do no wrong!  Reader, do you want proof of this: Consider Solomon, the so-called wisest of men who did repeat and expand wickedness before his God, after saying in the Bible, the purpose in life is to fear God and do what God desires for that is best in life.  Are you seeking further proof?  No Jew ever says another Jew is wrong!  He will say this man (who he knows is a Jew) is wrong.  But the Jew will never outwardly say, “This Jewish man Karl Marx came up with a stupid idea called Communism.” The Jew wants you to think all Jews are smart and infallible; hence he hides his evil comrades’ doings behind the group names of white or European or Russian.  Communism keeps coming back to life because no Jew will end it.  Millions of people die because of the Jews’ fear of admitting to the world that God’s Chosen People can come up with stupid ideas.  All the U.S. owned newspapers (do your research if you disagree) can end Communism by printing in big headlines.  “The Jewish Man Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, and it is the Stupidest Idea in the World!”  Or “Do not Follow Communism, written by the Jewish Man Karl Marx!”

Heaven God Plane Rulers.

How many Heavenly Plane Rulers are there?

Only one.  There is only one God! 

Imagine the CEO of a large Corporation.  The Corporation has a branch in different countries, different cities even.  Is the CEO a different person?  Does the CEO probably run the foreign Corporation differently because of those other country’s laws and customs?  Yes.

Values Day!

Values Day is the playful day where Abyssarians dress up in some form or fashion representing their values.  Maybe, a Thinker, Patience, Worthy, Strong, Kind, Understanding, Creative, Spiritual, Wealthy, Boy, Girl, Individualistic, Strategic, Street Smart, Nerd, Powerful, Playful, Momhood, Dadhood, Book Smart, Justice, Femininity, Masculinity, Warrior, Mystic, Artistic, Familyhood, etc. 

Values Day is October 31, the time of the year when nature hibernates or turns inward, storing energy for winter to come forth again in the spring, in the Northern hemisphere. People should try to give some small gift or trinket representative of the value they represent to the children, who express their values.

In the past, people were wary of the dark and death.  But since, Christ has resolved all of those fears, proving The Great God of Abyssarianism has control over death.  Death is not to be feared, but living a life without the correct perspective of Ethereal I’s complete command over nature, of which death is a small part is to be feared.  Furthermore, do not fear living the correct life, but fear rejecting the Great God of Abyssarianism’s control, majesty, command over all life past, present, and future.

Do not be afraid of your ancestors either, because they belong to Eternal I as well.  Do not waste your time praying to people who no longer exist in that form and have no say over Enjoining I’s power to decide things. 

Even from a metaphysical view, your Highest Finished Self is under Enjoining I’s All-Potent Power.  One decides — The Great God of Abyssarianism decides fate and karma, blessing and struggles.  If everyone had the same final power of Enjoining I, then chaos would reign, not order.  Therefore, if you want something, pray to Enjoining I or the Great God of Abyssarianism.

Everlasting I is your friend.  He got you into this mess called life, this backward world, where you must try to live straight lives of virtuous values. You cannot succeed on your own because the forces of this world are programmed to overwhelm you.  In this way, you must choose to seek out a powerful friend to help you prosper in life, and that friend is Everlasting I!

A Pragmatic Truth of the Origin of Evil.


When Enlightened I figured out what was going on in the universe, He created and destroyed it, a million times in a row; He knew conclusively, He was the Great God of all from Chaos to Sublime Peaceful and Blessed Order. 

This might have been the end of someone else’s testing, but Enlightened I noticed that people really did want a life of ease and plenty and hid a passion for being the ultimate Yes, men, and Yes woman. 

This disturbed Enlightened I because one day, he wanted to have his children grow up strong and independent. 

The default backward nature of reality of human beings demanded a counterweight; someone as ruthless as backward humans; cunning as backward humans, who always tried to turn Truth into a lie depending on the Truth, and who press forward worse, trying to live a lie depending on a lie! 

Oppeline, a female, lesser Negative Helper Angel, some called a demon, but this just provided unnecessary propaganda that made people give up right away.  If humans knew they struggled against a Negative Helper Angel and all angels were under Enlightened I, human beings would be less afraid.

Nevertheless, human beings who are out of harmony with Enlightened I tend to pick up one fear after another like lint gravitates to clothes!

At first, Oppeline did not want to do her duties.

“I see no reason to press humans further.  Life is hard enough?” reasoned Oppeline.

“How do you know it is hard enough?” Enlightened I, asked her.

Oppeline, in shocked surprise, threw her feminine hand over her mouth and then submitted to Enlightened I right away, for she knew her nature was evil or her instincts would never have conceived of such a bitchy response. 

Now, Oppeline liked her job because she was supporting Truth.  She said, “The Truth Depends on the Truth. And the Truth is you Enlightened I have control over everything, great and small, details I know and will never know of.  Therefore, Enlightened I, I, too, want humans on Earth, to be independent and True Sons and Daughters of the Most Enlightened I in all creation!”

“Well, said,” answered Enlightened I as they both stood there in black nothingness.  “Here is how this will go.  You will test each human, and the power to do so has been given to you.  You will have other Angel Helpers—let us call your angel group the Negative Helpers (NH).”  Enlightened I chuckled then.  “As I was saying, your competition would be the angels from the Positive Helpers (PH) group.  Positive Helper Angels shall try to help the backward humans live right and good lives.”

Princess Oppeline thought about this for a second.  “Surely, you do not want to help the backward humans, too, much as what can I, and my Negative Helpers do when outpowered by Enlightened I and the Positive Helper Angels?”

“This is truth,” said Enlightened I, but I have given the backward humans ‘Free Will.’  They can succeed in this game of finding their individuality to support the Truth.”

“Oh, OH!” said Princess Oppeline.  “I see where this is going.  You do not trust me.”

“I trust you now.  I can rest assured, Princess Oppeline, you are working as hard as possible because you are battling your peers and not Myself!”


“Properly handled people, even with their tyrant natures, can find the unity with the Positive Helper Angels and Myself and thus overcome the backward world.”

Now, Enlightened I shrugged, and smacked the arms on his golden throne in the lower half of the topmost black pyramid heaven, while Princess Oppeline stood alert in all self-awareness and other-awareness. “Humans really can’t fail, can they?” Enlightened I said to her.

“Of course, they can fail,” responded Princess Oppeline, Head of the Negative Helper Angels.  “I just haven’t figured out how to make them all fail yet.”

Enlightened I nodded.  “You will do well, My Child.”

“How can I fail?” said confident Princess Oppeline with a wicked grin. “I will turn them into Yes, men and Yes, women for the world.  I will make the women proclaim “Women create life not God!”

Enlightened I knew now, the world would produce True Sons and Daughters of great self-awareness and other-awareness.  “The Future is Enlightening,” said Enlightened I in a loud booming voice that prevailed in all the infinite spaces at that time and in the future.



The big picture is although tyrants and living in a backward ruling world because of people’s inherently evil nature, everyone has opportunities to overcome the world by overcoming themselves!  It was simple really Enlightened I wanted people to succeed, and no matter how long people wanted to prolong their struggle toward enlightenment, those people would eventually succeed.

Pray to understand these things!

Daily Do One of These Meditations:

Always meditate 5-minutes twice a day

Or meditate for 9-minutes twice a day

Or meditate once 9-minutes, and once 5-minutes a day

Or meditate once 5-minutes, and once 9-minutes a day


It is really hard to get the time to write what needs to be written and build the website without funds.  Any tithe up to 10% of your income to is appreciated at

Outside Reading 2

  1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  2. Pick a random book about animals and read it.  This could be a general book on birds, fish, zebras, dogs, cats, horses, sheep, or a specific book of birds like peacocks, whatever. 
  3. I created a video fiction writing course to help you understand fiction writing.  Every Abyssarian should learn the skill of fiction writing. link for those, not Abyssarianism members, and just want the writing course.

  • For those interested in metaphysics, I wrote an elegant eBook on the influence of Uranus, the planet of innovation, individuality, and radical change, from May 2018 to May 2026.  This has a one-page global section.  The remaining nine pages cover the twelve Uranus in house Sun sign indicators.

  •  I designed the logo.  Take a look at it on


P.S. I am still working on developing the site!

P.S.S. September 27, 2020, was my birthday.  I will make this an Abyssarianism Festival Day.

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