Friday, October 16, 2020 Email Message

Abyssarianism Homework

Hi, Abyssarians for October 16, 2020


(c) July 31, 2020 by Cupideros


Wealth Formula 3?. 1

Conversion Attempts and How to Handle Them. 2

On Dreams. 2

Discerning True and False Voices. 2

Values Day 2! 3

Taking Responsibility. 3

THIS and THAT Mythos 4

Resist Oppeline Examines Things. 6

Pray to Understand these Things! 7

Daily Do One of These Meditations. 7

Tithe. 8

Outside Reading 3. 8

Wealth Formula 3? 

Income + Investments – Lifestyle = WEALTH.

Income plus Investments minus Lifestyle equals WEALTH.

O Abyssarians, always pray FOR HELP AND ASSISTANCE FROM E’ER I, about anything instructed to do, because you alone cannot do what is asked of you!  To assert that you can accomplish your instructions means you want to fall into the second category of people: THOSE WHO WANT TO BECOME GODS BY THEIR OWN EFFORTS!  Every day, Abyssarians try to save a little money.  Or every time you get paid, try to save a little money.  Maybe $1, $5 a day or $25 a week, or $100 a month.  The above saving is the minimum benchmark.  There is no reason you cannot save more if you can afford it.

Having cash on hand will provide motivation and security.  However, do not confuse the security of money with the security of being in the Omnipotent hands of Enlightened I, who can do all things and whose spirit fills the earth, universes, and levels of the Heavenly spheres and mansions above!  Seek the security of Everlasting I, and all good things will flow from that eventually, sooner or later!

Conversion Attempts and How to Handle Them.

O Abyssarians, do not fear those who threaten and shout of sending you to their hell or judgment, but fear Eternal I, who can pluck anyone from their Heavenly Sphere, from their God’s or Goddess’s hand bringing them under the Abyssarian Heavenly Sphere and judge them by its rules!  For I tell you, many try to threaten a person into a religion, but Abyssarianism is a religion of pragmatic religious Truth standing on Truth.  No one can take you out of Enhancing I’s powerful hands of Truth.

On Dreams.

Now Abyssarians, you shall know that Abyssarianism is the Truth by its actions. 

The first dream on the first day of the month will forecast the monthly events.  The second dream on the first day of the month will forecast the first day’s events.

Likewise, O Abyssarian, the first dream on the first day of the year, will forecast the yearly events for you. The second dream on the first day of the year will prophesy the monthly January events.  The third dream on the first day of the year will indicate the first day of January’s events.

Discerning True and False Voices.

Do not be naive, Abyssarians; if there are many Gods, Goddesses, and angels of various sorts supporting those Gods and Goddesses, then you need to discern which message is from your Great God of Abyssarianism, Enriching I.  You do so in this manner:

Ask the voice, “DO YOU BELIEVE IN ETERNAL I ( OR ANY OF THE OTHER NAMES OF THE GREAT GOD OF ABYSSARIANISM)?  Only those voices, spirits who are from Eternal I can confess, “Yes.” 

Those that cannot or will not answer are lying spirits or lying Gods, Goddesses.

O Abyssarians, you live in an age of nano-sized technology.  This age is beyond the age of the previous religions, so stick to my Truth in this manner.  A small nano speaker on your right shoulder, or left or in the ear or near the ear, can give the impression of a spirit’s voice, but it is the voice of an ordinary man.  Again, test all voices with the Clarifying Statement above.

Values Day 2!

Values Day, October 31, is about celebrating the values you uphold, and it is permissible to give out candy on this day to others.  But Abyssarians should not value death, evil, or share joy in it unless it is the death of bad actions, goals, and plans.  The purpose of life is not death, but life and more of it abundantly!  Abyssarians value life, good values associated with trying your best to improve, being your best, striving to do, to master your craft,  and pursuing excellence in all things.  There is little reward in trying to be inefficient, sloppy, inadequate, or careless in your work or creation.  You do not live for people; you live to become like your Father in Heaven, Eternal I.  No other purpose justify the way this backward world is built that you Abyssarians occupy.  Do your best in all things, improve every day, every minute, every second, if possible!

Taking Responsibility.

Women, before you do the reading for this week, do this exercise.

1.  Find an art book or an old book with a pretty picture in it.  Buy a used art book or magazine, if necessary.

2.  Tear out the art page.

3.  Rip the art page into many pieces.

4.  Then look at the destroyed art and say out loud, “I am responsible for this.”

5.  Look at the torn-up piece of art and again, repeat, “I am responsible for this result.”

6.  Then you can read Esther Vilar’s book.

THIS and THAT Mythos

Abyssarians study this comic page below and understand it. If you want further instruction, watch the This and That Video on my Youtube Channel.  Link:

I also wrote a This and That poem on

Resist Oppeline Examines Things.


Resist Oppeline (say Opp-o-ling), head of the Negative Helper Angels (NHA), went to her lower sphere, in the Angel Sphere, and sat in her empty throne room, thinking about her terrible responsibilities.

The fate of humanity rested on her resistance to humanity’s plans and the individual plans of humans.  Something inside of her found this pleasing, but Resist Oppeline fought against those feelings.  A bunch of Yes men and Yes women in the Abyssarian Heaven was a nightmare scenario to result, however.  She had to fight that outcome at all costs.

“By my very nature, I was made to want to do this.  Water cannot resist being wet, fire hot, stone-cold and hard, and the sky soft and subtle.  But the responsibility!  No.  Really, I am not responsible; God, Eternal I is responsible.”

But then again, Resist Oppeline thought as she paced back in forth before her own throne.  The Positive Helper Angels (PHA) wanted to do Eternal I’s will.  Why do I resist?  Am I not an integral part of creation?  If I fail, humans will come to the Abyssarian Heaven, thinking all kinds of nonsense thoughts and theories.  They will be babies given positions requiring strong will, courageous morals, and intelligence to take up their duties.  Failure is assured if I do not do my tasks.  Why am I resisting this? 

Oh, how simple to have a baby, let the process take over, and then claim credit for creating a potent life.  I am a lazy angel for not wanting to be the jumping rope for the gymnast, the weights for the weightlifter, the books for the scholar, and the piano notes for the pianist.  I am their training equipment, the tug on the opposite side of their rope. 


Now, Eternal I, watched Resist Oppeline struggling to come to grasp with her responsibilities.  Her duties she understood well enough.  It was the responsibility she struggled to accept.  And inside every female, Enhancing I knew the battle ‘not to take responsibility,” just to drift, and let others provide for her pulled strong on the female soul.  She was the passive agent, not the active.  Her strength was in not doing, but in just being, as the THAT force in the universe.  Already, she knew instinctively what to do but refused, for a while, to submit to it, the pull of the current.  She envied the men, whose instinct to build, grow, conquer, train felt good and right.  But for her, it was how to make those feminine values work magic while being subtle and doing nothing at all. 


Resist Oppeline said out loud, “Enhancing I was correct; if properly mastered, any force can prevail!  It was living meditation.  I won’t do anything at all except what I am called to do by my thoughts and feelings.  She sat and waited.  She let the waves of goals and plans wash over her until she could bear it no longer. 

Resist Oppeline rose and went forward to the Negative Helper Angels waiting outside her throne room.  She opened the door to a great cheer of her Negative Angel Peers.

“We’re going to beat the Positive Angel Helpers, every day, every hour, every second! We are going to do this for the Glory of Abyssarianism!” Resist Oppeline shouted.

“For Abyssarianism!” the massive group of Negative Angel Helpers cried. 



The big picture is the Negative Helper Angels are like overbearing training coaches.  Even though the experience wasn’t good, you learn a lot from them.  They reveal your weaknesses so that you can fix them.

Pray to Understand these Things!

Daily Do One of These Meditations.

Always meditate 5-minutes twice a day

Or meditate for 9-minutes twice a day

Or meditate once 9-minutes and once 5-minutes a day

Or meditate once 5-minutes and once 9-minutes a day


It is tough to get the time to write what needs to be written and build the website without funds.  Any tithe up to 10% of your income to is appreciated at

Outside Reading 3

The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Pick a random book about animals and read it.  This could be a general book on birds, fish, zebras, dogs, cats, horses, sheep, or a specific book of birds like peacocks, whatever. 

I created a video fiction writing course to help you understand fiction writing.  Every Abyssarian should learn the skill of fiction writing. link for those not Abyssarianism members, and just want the writing course.

For those interested in metaphysics, I wrote an elegant eBook on Uranus’s influence, the planet of innovation, individuality, and radical change, from May 2018 to May 2026.  This has a one-page global section.  The remaining nine pages cover the twelve Uranus in house Sun sign indicators.


P.S. I am still working on developing the site!

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