Friday, October 30th, 2020’s Abyssarian Email Message

Abyssarianism Homework

Abyssarianism Friday Email Message October 30, 2020

Hi, Abyssarians for October 30, 2020


Wealth Formula 3? 1
Theory versus Reality. 2
Conversion Attempts and How to Handle Them 2. 4
On Dreams 2. 6
Discerning True and False Voices 2. 6
The Four Basic Rules of Metaphysics! 9
Taking Responsibility 2. 10
THIS and THAT Mythos 2 12
Predestination and Freewill. 15
Abyssarianism is Not Based on Belief but Trust. 16
Pray to Understand These Things! 17
Daily Do One of These Meditations 2. 17
Tithe 19
Outside Reading 3 continue as before. 19

Wealth Formula 3?

Income + Investments – Lifestyle = WEALTH.
Income plus Investments minus Lifestyle equals WEALTH.
O Abyssarians, I will not leave you being ignorant of investment knowledge. Investments in stocks is a good thing, but utterly useless until you sell your stock. Paper profits are theory and not reality.

Another thing, when you hear the stock market dropped, this is a code word for saying, “SOME PEOPLE, USUALLY THE BIG BOYS, HAVE SOLD THEIR STOCK AND TURNED THEIR PAPER PROFITS INTO REAL CASH.” Before this so-called Covid Pandemic, you noticed that the stock market dropped. Interesting, isn’t it. Congresspeople, the big boys, and those in the heard about the coming lockdown, economic shut-down of businesses sold large portions of the stock.

Theory versus Reality.

Many times in life, people confess, reveal, speak about their “Theories of Reality.” And like Jewish-Communism, some of these theories sound exceedingly good. Only the reality, the implementation of their theories produced a nightmare. Communism is one such example.
Islam’s Kafirism is another such example.
Feminism is a third example. In theory, freeing women from all restraint was supposed to better the world, a utopia. Because Feminism’s second wave came out of the brains and hearts of Jewish Lesbian female communist, Feminism has produced a matriarchy of white females (think Bill Burr’s recent SNL skit), Believe All Women, #MeToo, Duluth Model Courts Systems that asserts all men are violent, plus the welfare state initiated in the 1960s. This toxic cocktail mix of so-called helpful changes resulted in the upside-down clown world we live in today. A day where the dismantled family unit brought shame, heterosexual women transformed into neo-lesbians, single moms whisked children away from men, the State raised busy working-career mom’s children. Also, Dad got kicked out of the home by a variety of feminist strategies. Increasingly these resulting further digression of community standards devastated those communities with crimes, lack of any moral codes, single moms, Dad-less homes, an absence of discipline and order, a proliferation of drugs, no belief in meritocracy, meritorious attempts to better one’s self, and complete disbelief in God.

It does not matter if the society was black, white, Asian Mexican, immigrant; wherever Feminism and the welfare state lay hold of the minds, hearts, and actions of people, their communities experience skyrocketing crime, drugs, meth labs, lawlessness, broken homes separating wives from husbands, skyrocketing female-led divorce rates, men committing suicides from becoming forced wage slaves to their alimony receiving ex-wives, and parents from children. Marriage, properly understood, and lived, is an ecosystem benefiting the elevated morality of male and female’s meritorious behavior.

Not many know this, not enough blacks know, Blacks thrived economically after the end of slavery, even thru Jim Crow, and even the burning down of Black Wall Street because of a #MeToo lie when a white girl was caught having sex with a black boy. So, what destroyed the black community later? Feminism and welfare (both feminine and communist ideas) sounded good in theory but produced negative, reality, consequences. Negative consequences that can only be reversed by instilling a moral code of behavior and responsibility.

Freeing women from all constraints continues and progresses to this day with the end-result of women giving in to their lowest nature. (Because all people are Tyrants at their lower natures, without any restraints by a higher, meritocracy meritorious moral code like Abyssarianism, even women will and have become Tyrants!) Women’s lower nature was restrained by prior religious, moral, and civil codes of behavior. One such code of ethical behavior established that people could only marry within their group or social class.

Let’s examine this social class code. By nature, women want the most secure life possible (a theory that leads to Communism and whoredom, if marriage to a man is not possible). Therefore, women seek out the richest man available. In reality, though, this old social code allowed most men a chance to marry and raise a family. A man could marry a scale-ten woman in his social class, and another man could marry a scale-ten woman in his other social class.

This social-class code stopped women from playing dangerous Eugenics Games. Without those social-class restraints, women choose to mate with only the top one percent to ten percent of all men. Thus, contaminating the gene pool, making it dangerously skewed.

Furthermore, women, who know they cannot keep such one to ten percent of the richest men, therefore, increasingly whore themselves out to this small percentage of men for money! This whoring could have resulted in productive marriages to men of lower economic status classes and diversified the gene pool!

YES, WOMEN PRACTICE EUGENICS. If it is not suitable for scientists to practice eugenics, why is it good for women to practice eugenics? Who gave women the right to decide what is best for humanity as a whole? Who made women God over future humanity? Women who want to be Apes or Animals without anyone’s help are not Gods because they can bear children! Those children do not belong to the woman, but both the woman and the man; more importantly, all children belong FIRSTLY to Everlasting I!
The pragmatic, practical far-end results will be war. God will have to diversity the human gene pool, and war is the easiest, most efficient way to do so.

Abyssarianism is a pragmatic, practical religion — feet on the ground theory of reality.

Conversion Attempts and How to Handle Them 2.

O Abyssarians, the purpose of life is not to kill people so you can go to heaven and enjoy sex with seventy-two virgins. This cannot be why you, women, and men were created!

Life’s purpose is not to kill people who Eternal I brought into the world to be raised as his children into your Godhood and Goddesshood places in the great Abyssarian Heavenly Spheres.

Life’s purpose is not how you eat a particular food, or if you can walk around a stone seven times, or even how you choose to bow down and kiss a rock at the end of those circuitous routes.

All people are innocent under Abyssarianism. All people are welcome into Abyssarianism. All people, agonistics, atheists, those who believe in God or Goddess to a greater or lesser extent or who do not even know of God, experience the blessing of skills, powers, and talents from the Great Enjoining I.

This foolish notion that evil people are talented only because of Resist Oppeline Forces is a lie depending on lies.

Enjoining I brought you into this world for you to experience life and grow up. Enjoining I gave you abilities to enjoy yourself and thrive during this growing up. Enjoining I, can therefore restrict or expand your skills and powers of awareness.

All Enjoining I ask you to do is willingly select the First Pillar Door of Abyssarianism. Choose to become Gods under the instruction of Enjoining I.
Some will choose the Second Lesser Pillar Door of Abyssarianism, choosing to try and become Gods on their own. A dangerous path, fraught with dangers, pitfalls, relearning old lessors, mishaps, unnecessary suffering, and prolonging your earthly reincarnation lives.

Some will choose even worst to enter the Third Lesser Pillar Door of Abyssarianism, choosing to become an Ape or Animal without anyone’s help. What is the advantage of not choosing to grow up?

Agnostics, atheists have a religion! Yes, they do. All people must eventually create a code of living that explains life to them! It is impossible to live without a Code of Moral Behavior and Ideas. These choices will put people firmly into either the Second Lesser Pillar Door (trying to become a God without God’s help) or the Third Lesser Pillar Door (becoming an Ape or Animal without anyone’s help).

All people have a religion! It is impossible not to have a religion (something you believe with all your heart, soul, and mind, something you make decisions based on living and managing your life). Better to choose the First Pillar Door of Abyssarianism, choosing to become a God or Goddess with the help of Enjoining I.

On Dreams 2.

Now Abyssarians, you shall know that Abyssarianism is the Truth by its actions.
Remember, the first dream on the first day of the month will forecast the monthly events. The second dream on the first day of the month will forecast the first day’s events.

Likewise, O Abyssarian, the first dream on the first day of the year, will forecast the yearly events for you. The second dream on the first day of the year will prophesy the monthly January events. The third dream on the first day of the year will indicate the first day of January’s events.

Discerning True and False Voices 2.

Voices in the head are natural. They can come from various events in your life. Generally, these come from experiences, ideas, events, and past situations that you have not fully processed or made a final decisive action to take. These ideas linger around and come up randomly, usually when you have a moment of free time or more productively when in meditation.

This is your soul’s way of saying, “Hey, like, we were working on this problem or idea, and never finished it. What do you want to do with this idea or project? Just let me know. Should I toss out the idea forever, forget about it, keep it, modify it, and so forth?

Think of your life experiences as a filing cabinet. You were working on an idea when you met the love of your life, or before you got that great job, or saw that incredible movie or some adverse event happened perhaps, and this idea or experience gets tossed into a large filing cabinet.

Everyone organizes their filing cabinet in different ways. Yours might be a large set of color-coded jars. Or it might be a series of levers or doors, streams, or something.

In any sense, your mind and soul know your systems, and if you saw your system consciously, it might be a jumbled mess. But worry not, your soul more importantly, and your mind knows exactly what is what and where something is.

Now. Not everyone is auric or hearing empowered psychically. Usually, people with astrological configurations of Jupiter connected to Neptune; or Jupiter connected to Uranus; or Mercury connected to Jupiter or Neptune, will hear things as voices. The mind finds it easier to get you to act on something if it is a voice message instead of a text (visual) message. You may experience these voices as dreams, visions, or snip-it events. AND USUALLY, WHAT HAPPENS IS PEOPLE ARE TOO BUSY EXTERNALLY WITH THEIR LIVES TO GET BACK TO THESE POSTPONED PROJECTS, IDEAS, PROGRAMS, AND SITUATIONS.


Sounds confusing? Well, it is. This is why, Self-Awareness is the First Corner Stone of Abyssarianism, along with Other-Awareness as the Second Cornerstone.

What is in these internal communication-filing cabinets, jars, streams, etc.?

  1. Memories.
  2. Statements made by teachers, people (positive or negative, friends or bullies, for example), parents (dead or alive), television programs, YouTube video personalities, Ads, etc. People-based information.
  3. Messages to you from Gods, angels, good and bad.
  4. Thoughts from authors of books you’ve read, music, music lyrics, movies you’ve seen that struck a chord with you, positive or negative.
  5. Past projects, hobby goals.
  6. Past affirmations and goals you’ve set. I want to find out about the history of the Mongols in Hungary. Although several times, the opportunity to discover this information came up, you always had some reason for rejecting acting on finding out the answer to your question. This information must loop back into the filing cabinet and loop back out another time., a better time.
    Keeping things in a journal will reduce the need for internal communication; however, it allows outside forces, think Big Brother, to, somewhat, understand what you are doing and planning.
    Many people in the past kept journals; musicians and writers keep journals. You do not have to journal everything necessary or vital things. This journaling is a method for you to keep track of your self-awareness and your other-awareness activities.
    The point is, you live in a dynamic universe full of a lot of information, even more so today than say two hundred years ago. You can, again, try to navigate all this on your own as an Ape or Animal; or navigate all this as a God teaching themselves to be a God; or navigate all this as a student or child of Enlightened I. Enlightened I know what is genuinely junk that can be discarded or ignored and what is good information to be followed or built upon.

The Four Basic Rules of Metaphysics!

Four Basic Rules of Metaphysics to understand True Reality:

  1. The universe does simultaneously operate as if there is no God. How that works is, you can create your life as if under the Second Pillar of Abyssarianism. But this Second Pillar of Abyssarianism is not the default position of the universe. The default position is Etheral I’s rules, opinions, ideas, goals, plans come first or get priority in operating in the universes!
  2. Ask Etheral I to help you with all the Metaphysics activities you do.
  3. Work all the time to get better at what you do.
  4. Do not get dependent on Metaphysics.
    This is not as confusing as it seems. You may need to reread this; do so if required.
    Let’s say you want to read a book, any book for your edification, enjoyment, to past the time. Now, Etheral I want you to read this Friday Email Message too. You decide that you are going to read your book first.

Etheral I could force you to read the Friday Email Message first. Etheral I could inspire you to read the Friday Email Message first. Ethereal I could let the Friday Email Message wait until after you read your book.
What’s going on here?
You planned to read the book, and under ‘free will,” Etheral I allowed it. This falls under the Second Door Pillar or Abyssarianism. Properly, you should read this Friday Email Message first but, no real harm is coming from the change in order.
Now, what if someone asked, Etheral I, “Can I read this book before reading the Friday Email Message? Etheral I, says, “Okay.” There is no harm done.
In both these cases, the person used their metaphysics knowledge of “free will” to create the reality they wanted (reading the book first before the Friday Email Message). Etheral I allowed this.
This is a simple example, not complicated.

The New Agers, however, confuse all this. New Agers believe Metaphysics is the First Pillar Door Abyssarianism True Realty. But it is not. The First Pillar Door to True THAT AND THIS Reality is that Etheral I decided what is going to happen. You can add your input as you will, but Etheral I will get his way anyhow, sooner or later.

Metaphysics is a seduction. Free Will, too, is a seduction. The temptation is that one could, actually, create themselves and reality without Etheral I’s help or in opposition to Etheral I’s support. Neither is the case, and these steps into this seduction of metaphysics are a natural reoccurring occurrence.
The tragedy is when one gets locked into the concepts of “Free Will,” Metaphysics,” and starts to believe there is no God at all ruling the Universes or THAT AND THIS True Reality.

Taking Responsibility 2.

Women biologically, you were programmed to raise children and support your family. This is an important task but a lesser task than what men were called to do. In some ways, this makes your life a lot easier to succeed and move forward in your evolution. Fewer mess-ups and pitfalls can happen. Anyway, I will return to this subject later in another Friday Email Message.
One, raising children and taking care of your family requires NOWISM. You’ve much evidence and experience of NOWISM. My breasts are developing NOW. I am having my Period NOW. I need to feel secure NOW. I am pregnant NOW! Believe all women is NOWISM!
A child needs food now. The family needs a home, shelter now. A parent needs caring for now. The child needs clothes now. You need that new dress or pair of shoes NOW. You need to feel alive (aka drama NOW). My husband needs a good meal and comforting words now. Your emotions want you to react NOW! You may feel you need security for your entire life NOW.
This NOWISM has a blind spot – the FUTURE OR LATERISM.
LATERISM IS THE DOMAIN OF MEN. MEN think years, decades into the future of a decision made today. Men prepare to suffer delayed gratification in order to achieve an important goal. LATERISM is investing money today for A far away TOMORROW OR LATER DATE.

NOWISM has another negative effect – a lack of willingness to take responsibility. A decision a woman made yesterday becomes the far past in her mind because today’s NOWISM decision is more important.
NOWISM is a recipe for not taking responsibility. This lack of accountability will turn a NOWISM THEORY into a LATERISM DISASTER REALITY!

Women, before you do the reading for this week, do this exercise.

  1. Find an art book or an old book with a pretty picture in it. Buy a used art book or magazine, if necessary.
  2. Tear out the art page.
  3. Rip the art page into many pieces.
  4. Then look at the destroyed art and say out loud, “I am responsible for this.”
  5. Look at the torn-up piece of art and again, repeat, “I am responsible for this result.”
  6. Then you can read Esther Vilar’s book.

THIS and THAT Mythos 2

Read this again, understanding all that you see is THIS. If you feel or experience something that is limiting, it is of the THIS nature.
You touch THIS, feel THIS, hear THIS, see THIS, remember THIS, believe THIS. Your mind tells you about THIS.
I am in a female THIS body.
I am in a male THIS body.
I live in THIS country.
However, every THIS is supported by THAT.
THAT is consciousness without any form at all; total blackness, the non-existence of any THIS.
THAT supports THAT.
You have a THAT soul!
Again, THIS and EVERY THIS, however, is supported by THAT consciousness.
Abyssarians study this comic page below and understand it. If you want further instruction, watch the This and That Video on
I also wrote a This and That poem on

Predestination and Freewill.

Three dog owners each had a dog. Let’s say they were small dogs. The three owners took their dogs to a dog park. There, one of the owners let his dog run around and play.
The second owner played with her dog in the dog park.
The third owner sat on the bench holding his dog’s red lease.

After a couple of hours, each of the three dog owners decided to go home. The home was their destination. It was fate. Sometimes a dog and his owner must return home.

The first dog willingly followed his master’s home.
The second dog followed but fondly kept looking back at the dog park.
The third dog dragged his feet, sat on his hind feet, and was yanked and pulled by the dog owner back home.

All three dogs ended up back home in their owner’s house.
The point is all three dogs ended up back home, despite their different levels of reluctance to go home.


This is how predestination works. Nothing stops fate from happening. What was fated to be is what was fated to be.

However, how a person chooses to react to their fate makes a significant difference! Enriching I evaluates the person on their willingness to participate in their fated destination end goal.
The first dog gets an “A” grade.
The second dog gets a “B” grade.
The third dog gets an “F” grade.

Whether it is your fate to do something or not is not the point. The point is, did you use your “free will” to go with your fated destination or not? Did you do your best to perform your fated task? Did you do what Enriching I wanted you to do that was good for humanity? Did you avoid doing evil as best as you could?

Enriching I can create million-plus routes toward the same destination. In the end, the fated event happened anyway. Some people just experienced more suffering or joy, depending on how they reacted to their fates.
Abyssarianism is about merit. As an individual, you try your best. Each one is rewarded based on their efforts. No one can play the victim because each person’s challenge is uniquely tailored toward their circumstances and karma.

Abyssarianism is Not Based on Belief but Trust.

It is said all religion is based on belief.

You do not say to yourself; I will go over that bridge because I believe in it.
You do not say to yourself; I will climb that mountain because I believe in it.
Or say, I will attend that school because I believe it exists.
Or say, I will buy that dress at Forever 21 because I believe Forever 21 exist.
A young baby does not reach out for its mom’s breasts because it believes in her breasts or mom.
You do not go to your job because you believe in that job.
You do not read a book because you believe it.
You do not go to a mall or restaurant because you believe in it.
You do not say to a jar of $5, $10, and $20 bills, “O I believe in you $5, $10, or 20 dollar bills; YOU CAN BUY ME A LOAF OF BREAD AT THE STORE!”

The Abyssarian does not believe in Eternal I; he or she knows that Eternal I exist in his own right and has a power in his own right. Therefore, the Abyssarian trust in Eternal I to do what Eternal I’s been doing forever since creation, (FOR THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD) whether anyone believes in HIM OR NOT!

Pray to Understand These Things!

Daily Do One of These Meditations 2.

(Clarification, this was listed somewhere else in a story of mine or novel, but just to restate: In Abyssarianism, sit quietly and look into the darkness or swirling lights, or visions, BUT DO NOT REACT TO ANYTHING. Just sit and let the images come and go. You can think of one of the names of the Great God of Abyssarianism if you need something to focus on.
Always meditate 5-minutes twice a day.
Or meditate for 9-minutes twice a day.
Or meditate once 9-minutes and once 5-minutes a day.
Or meditate once 5-minutes and once 9-minutes a day.

You know how to meditate, but today I list another meditation type:
Meditation by observing your breathing.

  1. Push your belly out as you breathe in. This should be naturally easier, and you will fill your lungs with more air than normal breathing.
  2. Contract your belly while breathing out. This should be naturally easier to exhale air out of your system. You are making your system more efficient in getting rid of carbon dioxide.
  3. Keep this up for 5-minutes twice a day.
  4. Keep this up for 9-minutes twice a day.
  5. Keep this up once 9-minutes and once 5-minutes a day.
  6. Keep this up once 5-minutes and once 9-minutes a day.
    If you have trouble doing this, try wiping your chest and belly off with your bare hands, then holding them aside from your body and dry washing your hands. This will drop any nano-technology on the floor.
    Do this also for your belly button.
    Try the meditation exercise again.


It is tough to get the time to write what needs to be written and build the website without funds. Any tithe up to 10% of your income to is appreciated at

Outside Reading 3 continue as before.

The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Pick a random book about animals and read it. This could be a general book on birds, fish, zebras, dogs, cats, horses, sheep, or a specific book of birds like peacocks, whatever.
I created a video fiction writing course to help you understand fiction writing. Every Abyssarian should learn the skill of fiction writing. link for those not Abyssarianism members, and just want the writing course.
For those interested in metaphysics, I wrote an elegant eBook on Uranus’s influence, the planet of innovation, individuality, and radical change, from May 2018 to May 2026. This has a one-page global section. The remaining nine pages cover the twelve Uranus in house Sun sign indicators.

P.S. I am still working on developing the site!

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