Friday’s Abyssarianism Email Message for November 6, 2020

Abyssarianism Homework

Abyssarianism Friday Email Message November 6, 2020

Hi, Abyssarians for November 6, 2020


Wealth Formula 4? 

Income + Investments – Lifestyle = WEALTH.

Income plus Investments minus Lifestyle equals WEALTH.

Abyssarians,, now allows you to buy Crypto directly from their website!  You can even invest in stocks with Acorns. 

Theory Versus Reality 2.

Feminism produces neolesbians, or in other words, neoheterosexual females.  This biological nightmare leads to the destruction of nations and races.  EU and all places with Feminism will disappear. NOWism brained women believe they are saving the world; no.  They are destroying it—part of it anyway.  Those parts that embrace Feminism!

Feminism is a fire attracting the moths of Islamism. 

Wherever Feminism thrives, soon after, you will find a rise or importation of Islamism.  Those moths will come in such great numbers to smother out the fire of Feminism, extinguishing those once proud yet foolish feminist nations.  But women will blame men because NOWISM-brained women will fake like they do not remember embracing neolesbians (Feminism) at all. The neoheterosexualesbian females will remain silent!




LATERISM brained men will understand, and only a rare one, two, or ten NOWISM brain women can grasp these concepts:

  1. If women (feminist/neolesbians/neoheterosexual females) need men like a fish needs a bicycle, then why should/would men fight to preserve their country or race?
  2. Are women going to go out as a group and fight off a group of men?
  3. If women want THE FUTURE TO BE FEMALE (Code words for reducing the world male population to 10%), why should/would men fight other men to preserve their country or race?
  4. If women hate men and even want a man looking at a woman to be a crime, why should/would men fight other men to preserve their country or race?
  • If women want to marry men, divorce the men after popping out one or two babies, and turn the men into permanent wage slaves, why should/would men fight other men to preserve their country or race?  Why should men get married?
  • If the Duluth Model is right and men are always evil, always violent toward women, then why should/would men fight other men to preserve their country or race?
  • Every time an Islamism believer sees a woman speaking-hard words of protection for her men or nation, The Boudica Effect goes into operation.  Islamic men interpret those women-led men as weak and fit to become slaves, victims, and battle fodder.  Islamic men know those hard-speaking women are not going to come out and fight against them!  And even if those foolish women did try to come out and fight against Islamism men, the women’s deaths would be more than certain, before the war began-
  • Women themselves know their perverted fantasies of submission, would reflexively desire a loss to stronger men.  First, the women soften and cuck their men with Feminism (neolesbianism). Those neolesbians despise their cucked men and want stronger ones.  Those once hard-speaking women would fall on their backs and spread their legs quickly for stronger men.  After all, defeated women are kept alive to become what women secretly want all along—to be taken care of!  All their cucked men will have died, so there is no shame in a woman being a traitor under an Islamism victory flag.  Women want to be dominated by men! 
  • There is more than one reason why women are called the weaker sex. All the fake movies depicting otherwise is simply setting women and (those men who believe) Hollywood films, Leftist books, comics, Main Stream Media spins up for a harsh reality of failure.

Abyssarianism is a pragmatic, practical religion — feet on the ground theory of reality.

Conversion Attempts and How to Handle Them 3.

The Abyssarianism Code is as follows:

  1.  No Sharia.
  2. No Kafirism.
  3. No Cultural Feminism, Women should wear dresses and skirts, or they will forget they are women.  Pants are allowed at times for women,
  4. No Communism that prevents people from believing in God. 
  5. Islam is Banned.  No schools, No Mosques; no unusual ways of preparing food or Sharia.
  6. Lesbianism, Gayism, Transism.  These cultures, as you have now experienced, lead only to death or slow death through neolesbians, education perversions, or Feminism. They also come after your children.  In plain and simple terms, these groups worship sex.  Sex, to these groups, is everything to them.  Sex is not the purpose of life.

This Earth is a school for growing up and learning to become like your Father in Heaven.  Everyone is innocent and must work on a meritious improvement of their human nature.  Just because this world is backward, and the rules backward, does not mean people should give in to their lower natures! 

Your skills have been provided to improve, some more than others; some in different fields of endeavors; all with enough creativity provided by Enjoining I for the tasks of becoming a mature God or Goddess is possible—provided you go through the First Pillar: TRYING TO BECOME A GOD OR GODDESS WITH ETERNAL I’S HELP.

It is not the Abyssarianism Way of life to believe you were born in sin!  That is why I wrote a different creation story.  When you were young, the Gods told you all kinds of stories to try and make life more understanding and acceptable to you.  You are now (as a group) old enough to know the truth.  You were born not only with a human nature that tends toward tyranny but also with the potential to become much better through training.  Earth is your training school.  Take advantage of it.  This is what you work towards.  Enhancing I will help you.  That is what Enhancing I is there to do.  You did not put yourself into this world.  It is not your fault you are here.  But you must make an effort to grow up!

The rituals of getting up, getting dressed, going to school, opening your books, writing on your tablets or pads, studying, learning are simply mechanisms to provide you an opportunity to improve your natures toward the ultimate family goal of GODHOOD AND GODDESSHOOD.

All people have a religion!  It is impossible not to have a religion (something you believe with all your heart, soul, and mind, something you make decisions based on living and managing your life).  Better to choose the First Pillar Door of Abyssarianism, choosing to become a God or Goddess with the help of Enjoining I.

On Dreams 3.

O Abyssarians, everyone dreams.  Sometimes, though, people do not remember them.  Why would Enlightened I never talk with you!  Enlightened I want to train you, want you to learn.  So, if you did not experience the first dream or vision telling of the month ahead and the second dream or vision telling of the day ahead, simply ask Enlightened I to show them to you again; say when you are meditating.

Discerning True and False Voices 3.

Voices in the head are natural.  One of these voices comes from your body.  Yes, your body can tell you things.  You understand these as urges, hints, or impulses.  Your body might be telling you; you need salt or potassium or to eat less than you usually do if you overeat.

The stomach stretches, for instance, to the amount of food you regularly put inside it.  If you put more than you need, at first, the body will be telling you, “This is too much.” 

But if you insist, your stomach will stretch to the new limits you set.  The body will not necessarily like this, but will work toward your goal. 

You can tell yourself to wake up at 5:00 a.m., for example.  Sooner or later, your body will start waking you up at 5:00 a.m. 

The Four Basic Rules of Metaphysics 2!

Four Basic Rules of Metaphysics to understand True Reality:

  1. The universe does simultaneously operate as if there is no God.  How that works is, you can create your life as if under the Second Pillar of Abyssarianism.  But this Second Pillar of Abyssarianism is not the default position of the universe.  The default position is Etheral I’s rules, opinions, ideas, goals, plans come first in priority in operating in the universes!
  2. Ask Etheral I to help you with all the Metaphysics activities you do.
  3. Work all the time to get better at what you do.
  4. Do not get dependent on Metaphysics.

Metaphysics cannot be eliminated.  What do I mean?

If someone has a talent in the metaphysics of seeing the future, that is not an evil act or a crime.  What that person does with their skill might be good or bad.  However, the skill’s possession is just a natural result of living in a metaphysical reality.  People have skin; People have bones.  People have a brain.  People have a tongue, eyes, nose, and ears. 

You are metaphysics in your essence THAT AND THIS!

Therefore, temper ideas such as Witches are always evil, or male Witches or Warlock are always wicked. 

Temper idea such as a Witch has power over you or a male Witch or Warlock has power over you.  You are a child of The Great God of Gods Eternal I.  This provides you protection by the First Metaphysical Order of the Universe, Eternal I.  Everything else falls under later orders of importance and manifestations

All women are witches at their core. If a woman thinks hard about a man, that man may pick up her vibes.

All men are warlocks at their core. If a man thinks hard about a woman, that woman may pick up his vibes.

It does not matter if the woman or man believe these things or not.  This is just a metaphysic reality!

Taking Responsibility 3.

Women, biologically, you were programmed to raise children and support your family.  This is an important task but a lesser task than what men were called to do.  In some ways, this makes your life a lot easier to succeed and move forward in your evolution.  Fewer mess-ups and pitfalls can happen.  Anyway, I will return to this subject later in another Friday Email Message.

Bluntly, all a woman has to do is have sex with her man twice a week in some way, raise the children, keep the house clean and say kind, supporting words to her husband.  She can be enterprising after the children are growing up but not on their own yet.  She can be preparing herself to be out in the world, provided she followed the Women’s career path: Marriage early, bear and raise children.  She will be ready to explore work after the children are out of the nest.  However, she does not have to do so.  In Abyssarianism, there is nothing wrong or degrading about being a housewife.

Take advantage of how easy it is to evolutionary pass this life.

Women, before you do the reading for this week, do this exercise.

1.  Find an art book or an old book with a pretty picture in it.  Buy a used art book or magazine, if necessary.

2.  Tear out the art page.

3.  Rip the art page into many pieces.

4.  Then look at the destroyed art and say out loud, “I am responsible for this.”

5.  Look at the torn-up piece of art and again, repeat, “I am responsible for this result.”

6.  Then you can read Esther Vilar’s book.

THIS and THAT Mythos 2

Read this again, understanding all that you see is THIS.  If you feel or experience something that is limiting, it is of THIS nature.

You touch THIS, feel THIS, hear THIS, see THIS, remember THIS, believe THIS.  Your mind tells you about THIS. 

I am in a female THIS body.

I am in a male THIS body.

I live in THIS country.

However, every THIS is supported by THAT. 

THAT is consciousness without any form at all; total blackness, the non-existence of any THIS. 

THAT supports THAT. 

You have a THAT soul!

Again, THIS and EVERY THIS, however, is supported by THAT consciousness.

Abyssarians study this comic page below and understand it. If you want further instruction, watch the This and That Video on my YouTube Channel.  Link:

I also wrote a This and That poem on

This and That explanation of the Universe

Free Speech.


Resist Oppeline and the male leader of the Good Helper Angels (GHA) watched an event down on Earth.  Speaker’s Corner (SC).  People participated in lively debates on all types of subjects. 

Finally, after an hour, Resist Oppeline, a Female Leader of Abyssarianism Negative Helper Angel (NHA), turned to the Male Leader of Abyssarianism (GHA) and said, “I heard you’re going to get rid of Speaker’s Corner?”

“Who told you that?” replied the Male GHA

“A little birdy,” said Resist Oppeline, in her coy sly feminine way.

“That’s true.”

“You can’t do that,” said Resist Oppeline forcefully.  “Speaker Corner gives people a chance to vent; to tell the truth!”

“You mean your truths!” said the Male GHA.

“Your truth, as well!”

Said the Male Leader GHA, “Hardly!”

“SC is a chance for those in power to be torn down. An opportunity for the little guy to take beat Goliath. Ignorance can be eliminated.  Old ideas debunked.  New trends started; new narratives listened voiced.  People learn to not be so sensitive to cartoons.  They discover they have got the will to believe in their faith.  They fight against secret cabals and the lies of Main Stream Media.  Here at SC, people find their tongues, place in life, I’d dare even say their destiny.  SC is a place like none other, and I’ll do anything to keep it going and free for all.”  Resist Oppeline put her hands on her sexy hips.

“Oh, oh, oh!” the Male GHA shook his head.  “I’m not likely to be seduced by your female body parts.”

“I’m more than my body parts.  I am the leader of the NHA!”

“That’s exactly why I am going to get rid of Speaker’s Corner.”

“I’ll fight you tooth and nail.” Resist Oppeline threatened.

“I expect nothing less of you, Resist Oppeline.  Don’t you always.  For I know one thing, Resist Oppeline, whatever you want cannot be good.”

“This time, it is though, My Strong GHA brother.”

“Good.  You call this good.”  The Male Leader GHA pointed down at the large groups of ten to fifteen different crowds debating, one person in the center of them.  “You want people to have free speech in one place.”

“Yes!  A Speaker’s Corner in every countryA.  I am working on it!”

“I, however, want people to have free speech in the field, on the beach, in their homes, on the street corner, in the pub, on an airplane, on their phone, a boat or a train, on the mountains, in the valleys, by the river, just like with Green Eggs and Ham.  I want SC everywhere, not just bottled up in one place and their free speech shackled, hobbled, and hampered in every other place in the land or the world!  These people in Speaker’s Corner may think they have free speech, but every day they lose it in every inch of land except this pitiful plot of unfertile land!”

Resist Oppeline, slowly smiled.  She laughed.  Then she laughed heartily.  HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH, HA HAH OHHAHAHAHAHA!  You’re smarter than I thought.  I fooled all the other good angels in other religions.  They agreed to support me in keeping Free Speech just where it is—in one pittance of a place, Speaker’s Corner. While at the same time, I take over the rest of the world with hate speech, power speech, wealth speech, tyrannical speech, violent speech, materialist speech, leftist speech, feminist speech, and atheistic speech.”

The Male Good Helper Angel Leader looked coldly at Resist Oppeline.  “You’re a true woman.  Without a heart or a warm feeling.  All you want is more and more power, and you do not care how you get it!”

Resist Oppeline disappeared and reappeared as a person in the crowd.  “Yay! For Speaker’s Corner!” 

Soon enough, everyone at the place in all the groups followed her programmed chorus.

The Male GHA Leader shook his head.  “It’s not over yet, Resist Oppeline.  It’s not over yet!”



Distraction, deflection, this is how the negative forces work.  Slowly restricting the truth or freedom in one form or another; while making people believe they have more and more truth and freedom.  One the one hand, proposing women and men with fewer and fewer sexual restrictions while closing their sexual liberties bit by bit.  And on the other hand, spreading dildos and vibrators everywhere for women, unlimited porn for men producing less mutual positive sexual relations between the sexes.

Abyssarianism is Not Based on Belief but Trust 2.

The progress from belief to trust works like this.

The early believer has no proof of God or whatever you’re supposed to trust exists.  Then they experience, bit by bit, that idea, object, and slowly come to move from belief to trust.

Let’s say you met an Alien, and you put a $5 bill in their hand and say go buy a loaf of bread.

The first thought would be, “You trying to get me arrested for stealing or passing fake money?”

“No.” And you laugh.  “Come to the store with me.”

You let the Alien seeing people using dollar bills to buy all kinds of things, a loaf of bread included.

“I see how this works,” the Alien nods.  “This colored paper actually means something to the cashier clerks.”

“It’s called a banknote.”

“Okay.  I’ll try it, getting a loaf of bread.”


You wait outside the store by the car for the Alien to make his purchase.

“It worked.  People took the $5.  I even got two dollars back.”


Now, in Abyssarianism, a person comes under the umbrella of the Abyssarian Religion when they join. 

This moves the person into an alternate reality.  Everlasting I opened more opportunities, skills, awareness, powers toward, and in favor of the person at that moment. 

However, if the person continues to live according to the Abyssarianism values, codes, structure prayers, Everlasting I will endow them with more power (to put it bluntly). 

While over time, the person experiences more Abyssarianism power. The more proof-trusts are built up until finally, the person no longer believes—they trust in Everlasting I.

All others outside of Abyssarianism may or may not see that proof-trusts in favor of the Abyssarianism believer.  This is the outsider’s problem, though.  The Abyssarianism Religion person experiences more practical and pragmatic supports, trusts event, help in various ways, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Pray to Understand These Things!

Daily Do One of These Meditations 2.

(Clarification, this was listed somewhere else in a story of mine or novel, but just to restate:  In Abyssarianism, sit quietly and look into the darkness or swirling lights, or visions, BUT DO NOT REACT TO ANYTHING.  Just sit and let the images come and go.  You can think of one of the names of the Great God of Abyssarianism if you need something to focus on.

Always meditate 5-minutes twice a day.

Or meditate for 9-minutes twice a day.

Or meditate once 9-minutes and once 5-minutes a day.

Or meditate once 5-minutes and once 9-minutes a day.

You know how to meditate, but today I list another meditation type:

Meditation by observing your breathing.

  1.  Push your belly out as you breathe in.  This should be naturally easier, and you will fill your lungs with more air than normal breathing.
  2. Contract your belly while breathing out.  This should be naturally easier to exhale air out of your system.  You are making your system more efficient in getting rid of carbon dioxide.
  3. Keep this up for 5-minutes twice a day.
  4. Keep this up for 9-minutes twice a day.
  5. Keep this up once 9-minutes and once 5-minutes a day.
  6. Keep this up once 5-minutes and once 9-minutes a day.

If you have trouble doing this, try wiping your chest and belly off with your bare hands, then holding them aside from your body and dry washing your hands.  This will drop any nano-technology on the floor.

Do this also for your belly button.

Try the meditation exercise again.


It is tough to get the time to write what needs to be written and build the website without funds.  Any tithe up to 10% of your income to is appreciated at

Outside Reading 3 continue as before.

The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Pick a random book about animals and read it.  This could be a general book on birds, fish, zebras, dogs, cats, horses, sheep, or a specific book of birds like peacocks, whatever. 

I created a video fiction writing course to help you understand fiction writing.  Every Abyssarian should learn the skill of fiction writing. link for those, not Abyssarianism members and just want the writing course.

For those interested in metaphysics, I wrote an elegant eBook on Uranus’s influence, the planet of innovation, individuality, and radical change, from May 2018 to May 2026.  This has a one-page global section.  The remaining nine pages cover the twelve Uranus in house Sun sign indicators.


P.S. I am still working on developing the site!

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