How-to Guide for Men and Porn

Abyssarianism Homework

TN How-to Guide for Men and Porn © BY CUPIDEROS 08.05.2021

© BY CUPIDEROS 08.05.2021

TN How-to Guide for Men and Porn © BY CUPIDEROS 08.05.2021

Inside Wonder vs Nihilism Podcast #5 is the article below.

TN How-to Guide for Men and Porn © BY CUPIDEROS 08.05.2021

This article by Cupideros is part of Wonder vs Nihilism Podcast #5


How-to Guide for Men and Porn © BY CUPIDEROS 08.05.2021

Word Count:



Man’s how-to-guide for using porn formulates ways to use porn like it was traditionally used throughout time — as a reward for hard work.  A man worked hard and then came home to a willing and sexual, beautiful wife long ago before drawing, photographic, print tools became advanced.  The man gave his wife a portion of the hunt.  She gave him a portion literally and visually of herself.


porn, motivation, long ago, ancient history, the hunt, how-to-guide, self-control, pragmatic visual stimulation, practical sex motivation

Article Body:

Men, porn drains your creativity and energy if used the wrong way.  And today, most men, 98 percent, ineffectively use porn.  This Porn-How-to-Guide for Men resets how a man should use porn.

Life was simple back in the day.  Everyone knew their roles.  The society was patriarchal because that model produced a thriving population, stable economy, and healthy family lifestyle.  Today, we all are suffering in a matriarchy.  Women suffer because they’ve been brainwashed into thinking hoeing themselves out physically on the street, in brothels, strip clubs, massage parlors, or virtually on cams like Only Fans, Twitch, or inside glossy magazine pages.  A lot of women are pimped out to Twitch, Only Fans, or other porn cam sites; the men are managing the women’s money and keeping those women going to work selling their sexuality!  Such “Pimped-out” prostitute-women cannot quit porn; they cannot save their money because their lifestyle “Blows-up” keeps putting them on the Ladder of Emergency or Survival.

Men suffer because as they easily purchase these porn products, men reward women’s hoeing behavior.  After men reward women’s hoeing behavior, the women obtain a degree of independence from men and produce single female parent households.  Single female-parent household’s unstable environment produces violent and untamed children who, eventually, are tamed by the prison system! When ready to marry and start a family, men discover by reactive surprise that all the women left are hoes!  No man wants to marry a hoe, who’s sold herself out literally in body, or visually on cams or in page-print.  This porn culture produces a precipitous drop in the birth rate.  Eventually, this porn cycle sucks the life out of humanity as it dwindles and dies out.  The Earth will be left to animals who can finally live in peace without men’s encroachment on their territories. 

Women’s hoeing is a serious problem for two reasons. First, the two reasons destroy the family unit producing an unstable backbone to society. Second, by not recognizing these two reasons, unstable societies first destroy themselves culturally and then literally commit physical suicide — albeit, one country at a time.

One, men do not know when they are the dad if a woman is hoeing herself out, dating around, dangling men orbiters suiters waiting for a chance to hit her box.  And when men do not know if the child is theirs, they do not want to support the family.  Child Support, as currently designed and functioning, cannot fix this.  Men need assurance the child is his alone. 

Two, on the other hand, women know who the Mom is of their child — themselves.  Once a woman has her porn money, she does not care about the dad at all!  You would think a woman cared about the man’s paternity, but this is just not the case.  We see this routinely from cases where women sex up the bad men and, afterward, try to make the weak, good beta men financially raise the child.  This cuckolding of weak, good beta men does not encourage a positive family unit.

Maybe she was on her “Period” or “Ovulating” at the time of her pregnancy. Perhaps, she fun-sexed the corrupt man out of fear of being hurt.  Maybe she fun-sexed the immoral man out of biological lust. Possibly she was unaware of her “Period” or “Ovulating” time and just did what felt right.  Women often go on their feelings.  Maybe she was tired of being alone, without a relationship, and selfishly wanted a child for those reasons.  Regardless of the woman’s feelings or irrational or rational logic, a child came into the world doomed for a single-parent household or a Ladder of Emergency or Survival household environment.

The simple answer is for a woman to keep her legs close, but that is not likely to happen in a matriarchy.  The simple answer is for men to stop encouraging women to hoe out their sexuality to the highest bidder.  Women want a stable environment and family, whether they feel like it or not — during the hoeing activities—her body changes. 

A. She is born with her maximum number of ovaries for childbirth though she is unactivated sexually yet.

B. She is never the girl without her “Period-Ovulation” cycle ever again.

C. She is never the woman without her “Child” ever again.

D. In her advanced age, a woman is never the same woman after menopause (technically without her “Period-Ovulation” cycle). Instead, she is old, wrinkly, unsuitable, and unattractive to the average male at this menopause age.

If a woman knew how she’d feel after her “Period-Ovulation” began, she’d plan her life differently; young girls would avoid getting a gender-destroying female to male surgery or even fantasizing of being a boy.  But unfortunately, Moms do not tell their daughters these things nowadays.

The same happens after she births a “Child” her moods, feelings, and hormones — once again changes the woman into a new being.  If only her Mom explained to her these things.  Young women would not swallow the feminist-dead-Koolaid of career lust. 

Long ago, these things, because of stable homes, fell under rituals and traditional ceremonies.  In this way, a woman knew what her “Long Game Plan” life would consist of, going from Woman-A, to Woman-B, to Woman-C, to Woman-D, and she’d be taught to take appropriate actions. 

In our present time, 2021, women foolishly think hoeing themselves out and making a lot of money will continue forever.  Women give birth off-schedule at age 30 when they should have children in their 20s. Today’s women follow a men’s career cycle instead of a woman’s career cycle (if she will have a career).  However, eventually, biological truths catch up to women, serving them up a meal of loneliness and despair.

Matriarchy produces women’s hoeing behavior.  Communal living occurs, everyone mothers the child, no dads in the home because the women are not submitting to the man’s leadership.  When men cannot lead women, those women find the man unattractive sexually.  Women reject men sexually, especially men women do not find sexually attractive.  Matriarchy hoeing produces a slow society suicide.

Under patriarchy (which Abyssarianism supports), a man worked hard, hunting, and then came home to a willing and sexual, beautiful wife long ago, before drawing, photographic, printing tools became advanced.  A man gave his wife a portion of the hunt; She gave him a portion literally and visually of herself!  He risked his life for her.  She hoed herself out to only him!

So, men, this is the model of sexual behavior you must return to.  Look, view, watch porn only as a reward for doing your work of the day.  Work hard for 8 hours; then you can view some porn.  Or alternatively, work hard for a week, and on the weekend, you can view some porn!

If you do this, men, you will find it easier to build your business, your brand, and you’ll be more intelligent.  You will be motivated!  Once your motivation is up, you’ll get your game up and find achievements that allow you access to real women physically.  Sure, you’ll have fewer traditional wives to choose from, but marry them young (18+), and lay down some rules of behavior, and you’ll stand a chance at a decent life.

Abyssarianism lays down some of these rules of behavior for you.  For example, if a woman is a housewife, she can avoid the draft.  Being a housewife is a woman who raises her child from birth to 18 years of age.  There is no divorce in Abyssarianism because divorce gives either a man or woman an excuse to break up the marriage.

The nine names of The Great God of Abyssarianism do not believe in divorcing himself from you.  He agreed long ago to make sure you get back to your only true home — The Abyss.  No matter how snarly, strange, twisted, difficult the journey, The Great God of Abyssarianism is there 24/7 to help you make it through.  You just must do your part, participate in the journey of growing up in your self-awareness and other-awareness about life.


Wonder vs Nihilism PODCAST #1




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