How to Have a Truth Personal Relationship with Eternal I? © By Cupideros

Abyssarianism Homework

© by Cupideros, Friday, October 7, 2022

Abyssarianism Handshake

The Truth Depends on The Truth!
The Lie Depends on The Truth!
The Lie Depends on The Lie!

What is the purpose of Life?
Abyssarians, you know what your purpose in life is; you know in the end, Eternal I wants you to be just like them — that is the final goal! But you, Abyssarians, are aware you must let and follow Eternal I’s instructions for getting there. You must go through the First Pillar Door!

Now, if you incorrectly think Life’s purpose is to go to heaven and play harps, praise Eternal I all day — in Abyssarianism that is not the answer. Eternal I does not need worshippers. Eternal I’s power is complete and secure. Eternal I simply want to give you the power they have, but this cannot happen until you are fully trained. This will take billions and trillions of years. You will have various stations of more and more power THAT YOU EARNED THROUGH MERITOCRACY! Some people will grow faster than others. People choose the rate they want to grow at!

And if anyone wants to know what you believe and why just direct them to or the Abyssarianism OverView Kindle Ebook!

Abyssarians, you know what your purpose in life is; you know in the end, Eternal I wants you to be just like them — that is the final goal! But you, Abyssarians, are aware you must let and follow Eternal I’s instructions for getting there. You must go through the First Pillar Door!


Abyssarianism is and always forever will be a Gatekeeping Pro-Heterosexual pragmatic, practical, religious philosophy! This is the way Eternal I, E’er I, Enhancing I, Etheral I, Enriching I, Enlighten I, Everlasting I, Enjoining I, and Everything I wants it. And so it will be so!

Today, we need to get down to some pragmatic, practical aspects of your religious-philosophical relationship with Eternal I and the other Eight Divine Names of Eternal I!

Are you speaking to Eternal I daily? Are you meditating daily or at least doing backward meditation of taking two naps a day, one for five minutes, one for nine minutes or two for five minutes, or two for nine minutes?

In metaphysics, there is an idea of writing things down that you want. In magic, there is an idea of writing things down that you want. Metaphysics means going direct to First Metaphysic or Eternal I for what you want. Magic, self-will, and journal writing for your goals are you going to Second Metaphysics for what you want.

Sometimes what you self-will flows along with what Eternal I already want for you in the First Metaphysic realm. That is good! Sometimes, however, the magic you self-will for yourself does not go along with what Eternal I already want for you in the First Metaphysic realm. That is not good. For example, Let’s say you want to learn a certain video program, but Eternal I says wait. If you recognize the tags and hints, good! If you do not recognize the tags and hints, not so good. It is even better if you recognize the tags and hints and do not try to learn that certain video program. It is even worse if you do not recognize the tags and hints and continue to try to learn that certain video program. Each time you try to learn that certain video program, it is a demerit, loss of Abyss Spiritual downloaded power! But each time you wait and do not struggle to learn that certain video program — that is very good. That is an increase in Abyss Spiritual downloaded power!

And every time, you will find that Eternal I had a very good and profitable reason for you to wait. The video program is updated in a month, and twice as easier to do things now. Or you find someone else has a better program, or maybe someone else adds a new procedure that makes it easier to use the video program in a new way! Life is mysterious. Eternal I is always working for your benefit.

So, Abyssarian, Heros, and Heroines, you are the second real gatekeeper to your life and events; Eternal I is the first!

Eternal I is always trying to keep you up-to-date with newly downloaded information, but you must be open to receiving it! I assure you, there are people so busy making money, more money, they will become rich, but when life is over — they’ll just have to come back down to earth and learn to grow up all over again. I assure you, there will be people who never became rich or who are poor who will enter into Eternal I’s Heaven! And it is easier for a housewife to get into Eternal I’s Heaven than a woman who lived in corporations, dumped her children off to daycare, and set those manly things as her goal in life! Yes, women who were only mere housewives who never set foot in a corporation or held a VP or CEO spot will get into Eternal I’s Heaven. While many women VPs, and CEOs will not get into Eternal I’s Heaven! So, Abyssarian Heros and Heroines, do not be poor gatekeepers! There is nothing wrong with trying to become rich; just realize that that rich path is full of distractions to spirituality. Rich people can get into Eternal I’s Heaven. Some will, but it is by no means a guarantee for rich people. Poor people can refuse Eternal I’s update downloads, good advice, hints, and tags, too.

You decide your fate in the end. You decide if you get into Eternal I’s Heaven or not. However, you cannot, and never demand you should get into Eternal I’s Heaven — do not be a total fool. Eternal I rules his own house completely!

Back to the magic of writing things down and why it works so well. Writing things down involves the body (hand), mind (thinking), heart (emotions), and soul (your personal deathless spirit portion made from Eternal I’s spirit). But there is a catch. In the olden days, someone spying on you was more difficult. They had to sneak into your room or house and go through your papers and journals.

Nowadays, micro cameras, nano-cameras, cell phones, and computers can be hacked to overhear your conversations or even mumblings for things in your life to go better. But how will you know something you wanted to happen happened because Eternal I did it for you? Pragmatic, practical testing is corrupted nowadays.

So, Abyssarian, Heros, and Heroines, when you want to test for yourself that Eternal I did something for you, never say out loud what you want! Do not speak it to yourself out loud. Do not speak it to others out loud. Do not write it down! Keep it close to your closet prayer room inside your mind. (10.11.2022 added — DO NOT SELF-WILL THE ASKED FOR THING THROUGH SECOND METAPHYSICS! DO NOT ASK FOR SOMETHING YOU ALREADY ASKED FOR ALREADY, EARLIER IN THE PAST! ASK FOR SOMETHING BRAND NEW! ASK AND LEAVE IT AT THAT. ASK FOR THREE THINGS AT LEAST.)

The first time you ask Eternal I or one of the other divine Eight Names of Eternal I of Abyssarianism,

ResistOppeline will say, “That was a fluke.”

The second time, ResistOppeline will suggest, “It didn’t happen, or you willed it through Second Metaphysics.”

The third time, ResistOppeline will declare, “You’re out of wishes!”

Do not listen to ResistOppeline. You will have had three tests that came true only you knew about!

Ask Eternal I for whatever you want. Then when the asked-for thing comes to pass, you know for certain Eternal I answered your prayer! Learning to be silent is a powerful thing, done correctly.

Below, in the colorful infographics, are people who want to destroy all heterosexual gatekeepers in all fields of endeavor!


This was added under Friday’s, September 30, 2022, Email Message. But in case you missed it, here it is again!

GiGi Questions!


The Alphabet Mob’s Frame to Destroy Every Field possible.


  1. Declare the experts are not experts.
  2. Declare the experts are actually just gatekeepers of specialized knowledge.
  3. Therefore, these gatekeeping experts perpetuate heterosexual norms in this specialized knowledge area.
  4. The solution to solve this “Heterosexual/Nature Gatekeeper Problem” is to bring in new gatekeeping experts who hate heterosexual norms and nature!??????

Start 16:05


If you always thought “CIS” sounded like a disease, something you should avoid and not identify with, it’s because a doctor coined the term! Renaming and relabeling things is another form of propaganda gatekeeping.

Start at 13:50


How Progressives are Trying to Destroy Old Media?

What Islam and Alphabet Mob Maps or Pedos Agree On!

The Answer: The Abyssarianism Code does not allow sex between adults and young people younger than sixteen years of age! This should not be rocket science. People younger than sixteen, while adults at fourteen in Abyssarianism Codes, are still not ready for a manipulative adult relationship. Believe me when I say this is to protect men! Men you see how silly, vindictive, immature, gold-digging, wanting all the power laws on their side (because women and girls can’t beat you physically) women can be. Women are Tyrants in waiting! So, why would you Men want to empower these woman tyrants at five years to sixteen years of age!

When these younger than sixteen year old girls realize you men just want them for their lucky boxes, they will turn into bitter used women and girls. Women no longer useful for marriage and Heroine status.

It should be obvious now, Arab women are not as chaste as most westerns thought!

Do You Know These Design Terms?

Female Self-Awareness


Why do women act like adults and then like children sometimes?

The Answer:

Women’s role is to lead the children out of the child-like dream world into the real world of reality! Only women can do this!

This is 98% facts. The only thing to add is that women learn responsibility, discipline, order, selflessness, loyalty, and honor by having children INSIDE THE DAD-MOM-CHILD FAMILY DYNAMIC! If the woman does not have children, she will have a hard time learning responsibility, discipline, order, selflessness, loyalty, and honor. If a woman has her children in her early twenties INSIDE THE DAD-MOM-CHILD FAMILY DYNAMIC, she will be mature and more a match along the adult lines with her husband. Single Moms cannot get this achievement because they are too busy trying to be both Dads and Moms to their children!

Elegant Relationship Advice Wall Art by Cupideros


Hi, Abyssarians; for Friday, October 7, 2022


© October 7, 2022, by Cupideros

If you’re an Abyssarian Truster, you know:





First Motto in Abyssarianism

Very important to get this, Abyssarians. Understand the big picture, and you’ll better understand the little ones!


This Abyssarians, The Abyssarianism Two Notebook Journal System is used to increase Critical Thinking while reading books, attending lectures, watching podcasts, debates, and WaffleTown Videos. In addition, when having conversations, viewing web pages, deprogramming yourself from cults, or participating in any other format where information is shared.

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